Federated learning – Forum, February 18, 2022
https://malmic.ca/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 MaLMIC - Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Consortium MaLMIC - Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Consortium https://malmic.ca/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpgKam Kafi, Director of Clinical Strategy and Oncology at Imagia will outline the case for federated learning and work underway between Imagia and collaborators. Spyridon Bakas, Assistant Professor at UPenn, will talk about an open platform he has developed to support federated learning for radiology. Aline Talhouk, Assistant Professor at UBC, will talk about privacy issues and introduce the LEAP platform. The presentations will be followed by group discussion on lessons learned, opportunities to collaborate, and sharing of resources.