
Ramachandram, Dhanesh

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Email: dhanesh.ramachandram@vectorinstitute.ai
Role: Applied ML Scientist – Health Lead
Affiliation: Vector Institute
Website: https://vectorinstitute.ai
Data to Share: N/A
Area(s) for Potential Collaboration: Medical Image Segmentation
Medical Image Classification
AI deployment
Multimodal Learning
Modality: CT, X-ray, Optical/Microscopy, Other Dermatology, Chronic wounds
Organ: Breast, Brain, Other Skin
Disease: Other Diabetes, Pressure Injuries
Area of Research: Medical Image Segmentation
Medical Image Classification
AI deployment
Multimodal Learning
Deep Survival Analysis

Chen, Lina

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Lina Chen

Email: lina.chen@utoronto.ca
Role: MD faculty
Affiliation: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, University of Toronto
Website: https://lmp.utoronto.ca/faculty/lina-chen
Data to Share: digital images of histology slides from all GI sites
Area(s) for Potential Collaboration: Computational pathology
Artificial Intelligence-based algorithm development for digital pathology
Modality: Optical/Microscopy
Organ: Other GI tract, liver and pancreas
Disease: Cancer, Other all diseases in GI tract, liver and pancreas
Area of Research: My research activities include clinical and translational research related to gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases. I has a particular interest in developing and utilizing digital pathology tools to enhance clinical practice.

Martel, Anne

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Email: a.martel@utoronto.ca
Role: PhD faculty
Affiliation: Sunnybrook Research Institute / University of Toronto
Website: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=y7u4Ea8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Data to Share: https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=52758117
Area(s) for Potential Collaboration: Computational Pathology, AI algorithm development, Survival prediction, Breast imaging
Modality: MR, X-ray, Optical/Microscopy
Organ: Breast, Liver, Other Hematopathology
Disease: Cancer
Area of Research: Medical image and digital pathology analysis, particularly on applications of machine learning for segmentation, diagnosis, and prediction/prognosis. Co-founder of Pathcore, a software company developing complete workflow solutions for digital pathology.

William, Wasswa

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Email: wwasswa@must.ac.ug
Role: PhD faculty
Affiliation: Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Website: https://www.must.ac.ug/
Area(s) for Potential Collaboration: Artificial Intelligence for Health (AI4H), Data Science, Diagnostic Imaging
Modality: Ultrasound, MR, X-ray, Optical/Microscopy
Organ: Prostate, Breast, Brain
Disease: Stroke and Cardiovascular, Cancer, Kidney disease
Area of Research: Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Analysis, Digital Health, Machine Learning

Andrews, David

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Email: david.andrews@sri.utoronto.ca
Role: PhD faculty
Affiliation: Sunnybrook Research Institute & University of Toronto
Website: http://andrewslab.ca/
Data to Share: Please contact for information
Area(s) for Potential Collaboration: Cancer research, Molecular membrane biology, High-content screening, Automated image analysis, Apoptosis
Modality: Optical/Microscopy
Organ: Breast
Disease: Cancer
Area of Research: Cancer research, Molecular membrane biology, High-content screening, Automated image analysis, Apoptosis